Thursday 17 October 2013

Promoting the whore TO bully the Godly Woman...

Dear Friends,

 The dream I narrated you in my former post still inspires me...

From very early times, women have been accused of being responsible for the fall of humanity
and been the scape goats of tyrannical senior males in charge....

Ask yourself the question....Who is promoting the whore TO bully the godly woman????

Behind a great whore there is always a tyrannical senior male in charge....

Please take note of these examples....

To commit adultary it takes two to tango, however the religious males in charge, were about
to stone ONLY the WOMAN.... the man was not to be stoned to death although it was the law...
when Jesus stopped them by saying ... may the one without sin
throw the first stone....

Jesus the only way to God...representing the sacred heart of God....
 has many times taken the defence of women....

Other example, the famous Jezabel, has been placed there by her own husband and HE  was the one
who wanted to wickedly buy the famous piece of land, Vineyard from his neighbour... she commited all sorts of crime
to please him and under his instructions...
however everyone is blaming her only....

It is clear that if King Ahab married Jezabel against the order of the godly law demanding not to inter marry...
it was because he enjoyed the foreign gods ways better than the ways of the God of Israel...
Jezabel her, was not Jewish by birth and did not know the God of Israel...she had been brought up with
her foreign Gods by birth and only tried to please her husband as a loving wife within her own ignorant
and bad ways.... but she did not betray her gods nor her husband...
KING AHAB BETRAYED HIS GOD... not out of ignorance but out of rebellion and defiance and love for
Why then always blame Jezabel??? and portray her husband as her victim????

Her husband was a spoilt dictator who used his wife and her evil Gods KNOWINGLY
in full knowledge it was against the will of the God of Israel... His own God by birth....

(1 Kings 21

New International Version (NIV)
Naboth’s Vineyard

21 Some time later there was an incident involving a vineyard belonging to Naboth the Jezreelite.
The vineyard was in Jezreel, close to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. 2 Ahab said to Naboth,
“Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace. In exchange
I will give you a better vineyard or, if you prefer, I will pay you whatever it is worth.”

3 But Naboth replied, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my ancestors.”

4 So Ahab went home, sullen and angry because Naboth the Jezreelite had said,
“I will not give you the inheritance of my ancestors.” He lay on his bed sulking and refused to eat.

5 His wife Jezebel came in and asked him, “Why are you so sullen? Why won’t you eat?”

6 He answered her, “Because I said to Naboth the Jezreelite, ‘Sell me your vineyard; or if you prefer,
I will give you another vineyard in its place.’ But he said, ‘I will not give you my vineyard.’”

7 Jezebel his wife said, “Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up.
I’ll get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.)

Herod was a crazy repulsive dictator and repugnant sexual senile beast but it was Salome and her
mother who are always accused... certainly they were whores...but whores promoted by Herod...
Herod loved whores and used whores to bully the people of God....

In fact, friends, dont forget that the Godly woman of revelation is Us THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST
males and females...
The True church of Christ is not a male made institution or a building made of stones...
but the true living souls
belonging to Christ everywhere in the world...

The official institutional church has been from the beginning infiltrated by evil senior males
corrupting it and bullying the true believers, even putting them to death ironically in the name
of Christ....

Remember Remember what happened to Joan of Arc...
Nobody can blame her to be a whore... since she was proven a virgin....

I believe that the ennemy of our soul, Satan, the Great Master is male...but a devious one who is bisexual,
hence the symbolic two sexes baphomet
although angels are not sexuals they have a gender identity...

The Bible explains how fallen angels had sex with human women which gave birth to giants... a
hybride race....between demons and humans...

So if they chose to have sex with women it is obvious they were males...

Satan sees himself as the rival of God and especially Christ ... who he wanted to kill from the

This is why dear brothers and sisters, senior males and not women promote the whore....

This is the first point I wished to make here...

The whore is usually a young girl skinny and very aggressive, trained with hypnotic skills
and inhabitated by an evil spirit ready to kill....

But who trained her? Who possesses her? If not her cruel male master... a senior tyrannical male, HER CONTROLLER...
himself possessed by Satan himself...

These young skinny whores are trained to bully the godly woman everywhere...

Whether the godly woman seen as the real church of God, composed by males and females...
or godly women who are meant to bring about spiritual feminine virtues to balance our universe
with good male values...

These women are also meant to bring human children in the world... but the beast wants to
prevent them from bringing birth....

What is common between these tyrannical males in charge is that they are about hateful destruction and
not creation...that's why they usually are real women haters...

Its obvious why...if you know that God is our creator and Satan the initiator of hateful destruction
of God's creation....

You can see skinny females younger and older nowadays,trained to hypnotize and bully crowds...
coming sometimes from nowhere, who are very aggressive and very loud in the media....they outrage
and persecute all sorts of people...
Some of course mock and bully fuller figured individuals... who are not obese but healthy...
because one of the goals is to push to anorexy and suicide or death through unhealthy diet the majority
of the population to depopulate our earth...

I wish to give you a few examples here from real life ...
One of my friends, a very godly senior male was suffering from a severe heart condition...
however he was pushed to over exercise and to remain skinny since he was already skinny
but he was pushed to go to work and over exercise whilst getting skinnier...
he suddenly died from a heart attack during exercising too harshly...

His wife a good woman who was actually older than him, who keeps a healthy diet but is
 seen as overweight AND who does not exercise is still alive and healthy....

I believe that balanced exercise is good but not too intense or brusk...over exercising
is actually very bad for the health...

There are so many examples... where the wrong information is given to us in the media...

about what truly healthy is ...

Too often it is the opposite one must think and practice...

We are told that to avoid cancer we should not eat so and so...
however too many times people who have been skinny and even famous vegetarians died from a premature cancer...

I am persuaded that the best for our health is a balanced normal diet with reduced quantity
of certain food which could be damaging to our health if and only if taken in huge quantities...
but they are still essential in small quantities...
However we are told to suppress completely some type of food...
which is very unhealthy....

This is not the purpose of this blog but on the whole, I highly recommend you to be health
conscious and not vanity and appearence conscious... since God likes diversity and he created
us all different... we are not all meant to be skinny... and some are built to be fuller figured
and must respect that and love themselves that way...
Also women are meant to store more fat to protect they reproductive organs etc....

Never forget each one of you is beautiful just the way you are....

However senior males in charge are aiming at manipulating genes to make babies a la carte...
clones... transhuman machines... to suppress all original creation of God and replace it
by the aryan obsession....and elitist satanic fashion of the tube... or more exactly the snake...
no shape, no curves... long and skinny...

Some in the gay movement are also encouraged to bully the godly woman...
Why is such movement born out of rebellion against God and His values so keen to getting married?

Precisely to destroy the Godly meaning of marriage....

We always hear about Straight people persecuting gays however some gays persecute more
aggressively straight people....

So many males can report they have been groped or chatted up by gays and when they
refused they were accused of discriminating against them...having to pay huge
compensations which ruined them...

So many godly women are mocked and bullied by gays... marriages too are broken and destroyed
through their entreprise to force everyone else to become like them...

It is their right to be gay ... fine... but not to force others to become gay or not to persecute
others because they are not gay...

Look in the entertainement industry how many gay males are disguising in older females to
mock them in films etc... whilst older women actors are not hired... even for comedy...
you find gay males playing parts of older women to mock them and ridicule them...

Also in the fashion industry note how many gay males haters of women are creating a destructive
fashion to push females to anorexy to hurt the godly woman....

But dont find there an excuse to persecute gays...some of them are also victims used and abused...

Behind every gay male there is a senior male in power....

Very often young boys are raped and forced to become gay...during my counseling service, I heard this
more than once...
I have many gay friends and some told me that they felt some disgust for years after being raped...
by older men... however this raping had initiated something in them which although they hate...
they now need...
For some, it was the affection and the fact to be valued and trained by such older men presenting
themselves as their good mentors or benefactors... for others it was more of a sexual hangup...

The origin of our problem is not the whore but who promotes her!

In a sense the sex of the whore is irrelevant... it can be a male or female whore...

what is relevant is the gender of the promoter...

and you will always find that behind a great whore there is always a tyrannical senior male
in charge!!! manipulating the strings....

The whore in a sense is only a puppet....a devious creation... a bent front...

I hope this will help you to gain a new perspective of whos the real enemy...
... the right one...

Love to all,
sister lucy

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