Friday 18 October 2013


Dear Friends,

Digging further in the spiritual meaning of my dream...

How many of you have noticed how some senior males in charge started in a conservative way
by marrying the Godly woman as a front... for the benefit of their career...

They used the Godly woman as a back slave to help them get there....
during their marriage they usually had a double life ... many affairs or one single affair
with the whore of their life....

Then when their career was successful and out of danger they usually ditched the godly woman to marry the whore...

It is a fact that the popularity of the whore comes from the liker of the whore...

Who likes the whore??? and Who promotes her???

This is the real question....

Whether the whore is male or female ...younger or older...
what matters is who is pulling the strings behind....

Behind every whore there is always a tyrannical senior male in charge...starting by her pimp....

Society has always been accusing females of being evil....
from the witch hunt to wife beating....
the chronical justification of exploitation and slavery of females has always found
its origin in the accusation that females where at the origin of sin....

In fact, nothing is more false and wrong....

The intiator pulling the strings behind is always a senior male in charge....
women have no power at all since day one....
men do!

Women have been kept crushed underfoot whilst they were supposed to be loved and
cherished at the side ... from the equal side....closed to the heart....

However women were kept under male punishment and underfoot even during the spiritual time of grace....

How many times male preachers have been distorting the word of God to preach the total
slave like submission of females to males...
whilst Jesus came to forgive our sins and to give us a direct relationship to God through
Christ and Christ only without any intermediary... in between...
claiming that we are all equal in HIM!

If our sins are forgiven then we must all walk free under grace... males as females...
however to male leaders infiltrating the church and distorting the word of God
Females were always to shut up and remain slaves...of males...

Today we are seeing the real truth and intention of these tyrannical primitive male values promoted
by spoilt dictator males in their real splendor....

The truth is that they never liked the Godly woman....

They never were loyal to God command to love and cherish your first wife and never divorce her...

They always hated God even if they infiltrated churches, it was only to gain authority to bend His

The proof is in the pudding... they are slaves of their senses... and this is one of the many reasons
why even in churches today... male seniors in charge copying the world they pretend to hate...
only promote young girls seen as sexy to advertise for their churches...
they are using too the whore symbol to be attractive to the world...
whilst bullying backstage in silence and submission their own godly wives...

During some trips organised to Israel by some Christian TVs I have met many times some male christians
telling me that although Christians they felt that like the Jews under the old testament, they were
allowed to have many wives... because of the secular law forbidding such practices...
they were having only one legal wife but many concubines and affairs...

The same man I seemed to meet all over again... ended up out of work... forcing his wife to work for him...
whilst indulging in his selfish sinful pleasures with many other women non christian women for the
Once his poor wife came to listen to our chatting and he told me lifting his hand above her head...
in a threatening way....
Oh but it is not because she is the bread winner now that she does not know her place....she knows
who the master is ....I am the master!
The poor woman seemed very frightened and it was obvious he was beating her up keep her
lawfully submitted...

This fat old man was seen more than anyone else PRAISING GOD with HIS DIRTY HANDS UP
leaders of his church!!!

Maybe it makes you feel sick but not as much as it made me since I saw him and met him
year after year...

I stopped going to these trips .... I reassure you...

The wildest dreams of the senior male is to divorce his good lady to marry the young whore...

Well, you meet this everywhere...
A good friend of mine is reporting how two of his broke, lazy, alcoholic male acquainteships...
usually idlers drinking all day long in a dodgy pub...
were talking loudly about what they would do if they won the lottery...
They both said ....if I win .. i will ditch my old wife and marry a young girl...
My good friend knew their wives who in spite of not looking skinny and young according to the
false criteria of plastic beauty of media... were very devoted to their husbands and coped whith them
for years.. working and sacrificing themselves for them out of love...
He was ever so disgusted and repugned that he never spoke to them again...

But where do these males find the example the incitation to even think this way?

Crowds it is well known copy role models....

This is precisely why the idiotic celebrity culture and idol worship is promoted widely...
for parrots to imitate wrong role models leading them to chaos...since desobedience of God's
loving healthy laws will only lead to death and destruction...

One of the new custom to discredit sacred Godly marriages...
is prenuptial agreement... which goes exactly in the same direction...

Now marriage even between two straight people is becoming more and more a mockery...

Its still called marriage but should be called a cold calculating business transaction...
not even partnership... but a business transaction oppressing the poorest and giving
the upper hand to the financially better off to use and abuse his slave!

Signing a prenuptial means ... I am preparing my escape from this relationship...
which is in total contradiction with the original sacred vocation of marriage...
for a lifetime...for better or worse....
the status of a married woman becomes more and more less than a slave status...
An employee or a servant is allowed to compensation when ditched....however
a life partner is to be ditched without any compensation after investing years
of work and emotional attachment...
Although women are more often working too now and have their own income ...
the majority of the time, they are still the ones bringing up the children and taking
care of the housework... which represent hours, days, weeks,months of unpaid labour...
As well they are, let us remind it... the only one who can bring a child to this world...
so that they suffer in their own bodies for months at times... to carry a child...
and this has long term consequences for their health... mainly if overworked during
pregnancy things get medically complicated for their own health....
It even goes to death...sometimes...
However they must do all that unprotected and expecting at any times to be ditched
for the bitch...without compensation... thrown naked on the pavment as a thank you note...
for their hard work and loving care....

Who is keen on these?

Ask ... the right questions....please...

Now I wish to bring some nuances for clarification...

When I say the whore... I am not speaking of females or males who had some weaknesses and sinned
occasionally and then repented.... but I am talking of unrepentant chronical immoral beings who
sell their souls, bodies for money, career advancement etc regularly and without any moral remorse...
to the spirit of prostitution....

I wish to stress here that anyone... and Jesus has proved that..
even involved in prostitution who truly understand the vice and evil side of such action and truly
repents, changing his or her life, is forgiven and can start again a new pure life...

So that I am not condemning anyone here....

Also, many of us females... are proned to falling in love ... because we have a loving heart...
some males are using that to manipulate us into sexual promiscuity...
It happens to everyone, even a honest and pure soul to be tempted in the wrong path under false
As I also explained in former posts... some females became whores or kept on practising lies and bad
actions to serve and please their evil husbands... they did this out of love and caring for their husbands...
although it was bad and wrong... their own hearts were not as wicked as the ones of their husbands
who coldly exploited them to satisfy their selfish vices...

Also, I am not speaking of people, males or females who entered a divine marriage out of love and only
in a genuine manner but ended up failing at it and found themseleves divorced and grieved to be...
since unfortunately it can happen that even with best truthfull intentions as imperfect human beings
we can also fail...

I wish to make clear that if you now realise that you were manipulated and used or that you went in the wrong direction,
even from your own free will...
it is still time to come back to true Universal Love and decide to serve the Highest good instead
of immorality and crime....
God loves you inconditionally but you cant benefit from his compassion and new life if you dont
repent... forgiveness is only effective for those who truly repent...and wish a new pure life
with all of their hearts....

Friends... I just wish to protect vulnerable females...
Your fiance asks you to sign a prenuptial agreement???
Think... it is simply a declaration he is intending to ditch you...
he is already preparing a SELFISH WAY OUT your own expense...
he would not do that if he valued you and your love for him... would he???
so why marry for life someone who is telling you frankly he does not love you
and respect you enough....
 to marry you for life....

How more bluntly can he say?


Who always wants to divorce the Godly woman to marry the whore???

Who is promoting the whore to bully the Godly woman???

Friends who is the boss??? Claiming HE IS IN CHARGE!!!

This is the right question...
the answer is very clear.. it is the one who claims he is ...
and demands to be ...
as he demands submission...
not for any other reason than HIS GENDER....Male gender....

Tyrants have no other legitimate grounds then force... and arbitrary force....

Even Queen Elizabeth I needed to legitimate her rule as a Queen...

    "I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king,
and of a king of England too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe,
should dare to invade the borders of my realm."[3]

    Simple: I know I have the body of a weak and frail woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king,
and of a king of England too; and do not think that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe,
would dare to bring an army across the border (edge) of my country.

So that whether male or female the spirit of the whore is always legitimizing their authority
by a MALE GENDER....

Who is bossing us in tyrannical destructive paths...not hesitating to  use
bullying and violence to obtain submission... who else... than...

... the enemy of our soul.....AND THE SENIOR MALES IN CHARGE WHO OBEY HIM...


God instead of beating us, torturing us, threatening us... bullying us... etc
 through Jesus gave His own life for us, to save us, love us, cleanse us.... to a new pure life and an eternal
happy truthfull loving sacred marriage  ....

The true God universal love is male and female... and does not ask blind obedience
or slavery because of His gender....or such ARBITRARY tyrannical false excuse....

He attracts love and respect from our free wills because HIS ESSENCE IS TRUE LOVE....
and not through macchiavelic manipulations, seduction or by cohercive unethical means....

God is not interested in a Bride who obeys out of fear but a wife who loves Him for who
He truly is...

Friends the war we are in is spiritual and our enemy is spiritual too...

Each human being is free to make a choice....or choose slavery to the tyrant
or remain a free spirit loving the real Truth, Universal Love and Hightest good....

However, we must reject former stereotypes even from Christian tradition... and
look for the real truth... behind...the illusion...

Love to all,

sister lucy

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